8 Quotes & Sayings By Sandesh Limbu

Sandesh Limbu was born in Kathmandu, Nepal. He completed his BA (First Class) in Computer Science and Engineering from the Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2004. He started his career as a computer programmer and later worked in the banking sector. His interest in writing started when he wrote his first book, ‘A short History of Nepal’, which he published in 2002 Read more

His second book ‘A Short History of Nepal’ (2nd Edition), was published in 2008 by Himal South Asia Publications Pvt Ltd. His third book ‘A Short History of Nepal’ (3rd Edition), was published by Himal South Asia Publications Pvt Ltd in 2011. Sandesh Limbu has made contributions to Nepali News paper "Sambad" and "Nepal Times".

Sandesh Limbu has written for "Entrepreneur Magazine", "Nepal e-Weekly", "Envisioning Nepal" and "EzineArticles".

Respect, love, Trust; Every such things works both ways. If...
Respect, love, Trust; Every such things works both ways. If yeu want someone to respect yeu, yeu must respect that someone too. Sandesh Limbu
We can only teach what we have learned
We can only teach what we have learned Sandesh Limbu
We , human beings, are strong because we are capable...
We , human beings, are strong because we are capable of change Sandesh Limbu
There is one family: Mankind There is one Religion:HumanityThere is one Home:Earth Sandesh Limbu
Those who believe in it are the ones who find it Sandesh Limbu
It's not about what we take with us when we die, it's about what we leave behind Sandesh Limbu
Thousand people, thousand heart, thousand opinions; One truth. Sandesh Limbu